concerned about the misuse of their biometric data. 45% areafraid that biometric technology could harm privacy. Despite the high volume ofconcerned consumers, the majority of domestic survey participants (54%) wereunaware that this data could be shared with other companies, according to thesigned consent agreement. In Quebec, people were a little more aware of it(48%). This difference could be explained by the publication of a detailedguide written by Quebec authorities concerning the legal obligations surroundingthe use of biometrics , a subject on which the other provinces have not yetcommented. , there are severalthings to consider. Ensuring compliance with federal and provincial privacylaws is crucial. The Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada has publisheda practical guide for this purpose. In addition to official instructions, it isimportant to respect consumer preferences when it comes to sharing biometricdata. Here are the basic
conditions to respect: Inform consumers of the nature of theinformation collected. Inform them of the use that will be made of this data.Use data in aggregate form and not on an individual basis. In the next Special Phone Number Data articlein this series, we will analyze the use of biometric and surveillancetechnologies in the workplace to determine their impact on confidence,motivation and productivity in the office. Assessing stress at work: employeeburnout since the pandemic Published on 2022-04-13 by Tessa Anaya It has beenmore than two years since the COVID-19 pandemic raged. Since 2020, its impacton the mental health of Canadians and Quebecers has been felt. Managingemployee stress levels and providing psychological support is theresponsibility of managers and
human resources managers. How are small and medium-sizedenterprises (SMEs) meeting this new challenge? How have Quebecers managed theirstress at work since the pandemic? What we're going to talk about How has thepandemic affected the mental health of Quebec employees? Are employees feelingmore stressed at work? Do employees feel protected from COVID-19 at work? Whatcan employers do to reduce workplace stress? COVID-19 restrictions arebeginning to ease across the country, but the mental health effects of the pandemicmay linger. The risk of infection persists, and this fear of beingcontaminated, combined with the many current societal upheavals, can makestress management in the workplace unmanageable. In a previous