When it comes to building your business, you have to know to whom you’re selling. If you try a scattered approach (“we appeal to everyone!”) then you will ultimately wind up with less as you are spreading yourself too thin. The best companies are those that have a strong brand identity and connect with their customers on a personal and focused level.As such, your lead generating blog should be dedicated to your target audience.
Is it teens who want to know the latest celebrity gossip? Is it industry recent mobile phone number data professionals looking for information about new trends? The more focused you can be, the easier it is to create lead generating content that will boost your subscriber numbers. Know your audienceto keep things simple, let’s say that you’re looking to generate leads for your moving company with your blog. If that’s the case, then it’s imperative that you know what kind of information your best customers will value the most as well as who these potential customers typically are, and then generate content that appeals directly to them.
If you are writing generic articles about moving without relating it to the specific people that make up your audience, you will lose their interest and sacrifice leads.It’s always important to write engaging content, but you should also be looking at the content that gathers the most attention. If you write a post that gets shares and another that only gets , you’ll be able to see what type of material your audience prefers and enjoys.