Customers are looking for flexibility and on-time delivery. Cross-border on the rise. Oana Mandicescu (Chief Sales Officer Cargus) Customers want to have a much clearer shipping schedule so that they can track the courier until the time of delivery. Equity and inclusion: women in leadership positions (board & management). Premises with sustainable facilities.
User testing done right | Els Aerts (User Testing & Usability Evangelist, AGConsult) 'You should talk very little and listen very much'. Get in the same boat as your users, try to reach the depth of their Job Function Email List research and find out their motivations that ultimately lead them to the purchase decision. User testing at its finest: choose the right users, write a good script.

Be a good moderator. Focus groups do not bring the same results as 1 to 1s (eye tracking: wink-wink;)). What do you need to know to receive investment in your business? | Moderator: Nikola Yanev Bogdan Colceriu (Frisbo CEO) Always put people first. So whether you're entitled to a 1' pitch or a 5' pitch, tell the story about your team, and only then about the problem.