Unless they are inconsistent with the principles of labor law. Therefore, in terms of the appearance of an employment contract, the previously analyzed provision of Art. of the Civil Code regarding an apparent declaration of will. IMPORTANT - an employment contract is usually concluded for convenience, when the employee aims to achieve some benefit, usually financial. Practice shows is to receive social security.
Benefits without actually doing work. It is rightly noted in the judicial decisions that: To establish that an employment philippines photo editor relationship has been established between the parties, it is not sufficient to meet formal employment conditions, such as concluding an employment contract, preparing the scope of duties, completing occupational health and safety training.

Obtaining a medical certificate confirming the ability to work or registering for social security, but it is necessary is to establish that the parties intended to perform the obligations of the parties to the employment relationship and actually did so. Employee social insurance cannot be covered when the application for this insurance concerns a person who is not an employee.