By saying internally we mean doing an analysis of our content, tools, procedures, etc. On the other hand, when talking about doing an external analysis we refer to the study of the competition, its type of publications, hours and days of publication, interaction with users, etc. Without a doubt, there are a series of steps, factors and questions to resolve that are essential in a social media audit, such as the following: On which social network do we have the most presence.
And the competition? How often do we publish? With Phone Number List what tone do we communicate? What content has the best results? What is the level of engagement? Which social network is generating the most conversions? What is our target audience on each social network? What is the result of our ad campaigns? What type of posts do our users like the most.

And those of the competition? To answer these questions, it is necessary to carry out a social media audit . So that you have no doubt, we are going to detail the steps to carry out a successful audit . Whether or not you are an Excel lover, it will be your best ally in your social media analysis. You can use a file tab for each account since you will need different metrics for each social network.